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38.2 MB

19/04/19 - 10:29 pm



An endless game where you need to avoid hitting walls and other cars for as much as possible.


Overcome v01.01 by Lapy

An endless game where you need to avoid hitting walls and other cars for as much as possible.


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49.5 MB

29/03/19 - 10:23 pm

Save The Scene


Missile command style game.


Save The Scene v01.02 by Lapy

From the hands of the developer comes this fun game about some characters in the scene ps4.

- Xalgovia (designer)
- @RetroGamer_74 (sound & support)
- @SilicaDevs (Unity tools)
- @cien_bues (B.T)
- @mr_0ta (B.T)
- @VitaVsm (B.T)


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29.5 MB

29/03/19 - 10:13 pm

El Pollo de Lapy


Flappy Bird clone for PSVITA.


El Pollo de Lapy v01.00 by Lapy

From the hands of the developer comes this game that Flappy Bird clone for PSVITA.


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34.6 MB

29/03/19 - 10:07 pm

El Pollo 2.0


Helicopter clone for PSVITA.


El Pollo 2.0 v02.00 by Lapy

From the hands of the developer comes this game that Helicopter clone for PSVITA.


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55.8 MB

24/03/19 - 07:20 pm



Goat Simulator clone in Mario theme.


MKMayhem v00.20 by FantaHourglass

A Goat Simulator clone set in Mario world with Waluigi as playable character.

Changelog 0.20
- Added a ragdoll Luigi because you seriously can't have a Goat Simulator clone without ragdoll NPCs.


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653.4 KB

14/03/19 - 03:10 pm



Simple minesweeper for PlayStation Vita


MSweep v01.10 by Creckeryop

Simple minesweeper game written in C++ for PlayStation Vita

- Records for all modes (Easy, Medium, Hard, Custom) located on *ux0:data\save_msweep.txt*
- if game crashing try making save file with 0 0 0 0 0

- [pad]: Move
- [cross]: Open tile (or open group of tiles if you press on number)
- [square]: Put Question mark
- [circle]: Flag / Unflag
- [triangle]: Recreate level
- [start]: Go to pause menu

Changelog 1.10
- Added sounds
- Added 3 themes
- Added reset save button
- Pause menu now actually pauses game (new pause menu)
- New save file structure record_easy record_medium record_hard record_custom theme
- Less particles when field is too big
- Minor fixes

- Grzybojad: for advises
- xerpi: vita2d
- VITASDK team: vitasdk


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2.4 MB

08/03/19 - 05:05 pm



Nonogram game for PS Vita


PiCrest v01.11 by Creckeryop

Nonogram game for PSVita

- Level Editor with palette (R,G,B,H,S,V,A(alpha))
- Themes Editor
- Level Generator
- 93 Levels
- Multilanguage support (English, Russian, Latina(thanks to overmind98))

- [pad]: Move
- [cross]: place field
- [circle]: place cross
- [square]: pencil

Changelog 1.11
- 18 Levels
- Perfect badge in level selection menu if you clear level without misses
- Tutorial on first launch v1.11
- Precentage of cleared levels in folder in upper right corner
- New Algorythm of level generation
- Autofill line with crosses if 0 is side number of this line
- Minor fixes


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3.6 MB

08/03/19 - 04:49 pm

Cookie Clicker


Cookie Clicker game for PSVITA.


Cookie Clicker v00.20 by Creckeryop

It's Cookie Clicker game made on LUA (lpp-vita made by @Rinnegatamante)

- Long Numbers (thanks to lpp-vita)
- Buildings until Prism
- Design more looks like a browser version
- Buy and Sell Buildings, (1/10/100)pcs
- Save Loading(save file is in the ux0:/data/ folder called ccsave.sav, ccupsave.sav)
- You can use Sensor or Left/Right analog to move Buildings or Buttons
- Press [triangle] to click Cookie or touch it
- Touch Buy Sell to change mode
- UPGRADES NEW 20.11.2017

- Left Stick - move Buildings
- Right Stick - move Buttons
- TouchScreen - screen Buttons
- [square] - Expand/ Shrink Upgrade menu
- [triangle] - Touch Cookie
- [select] - Save and Exit

Changelog 0.20
- All code was rewritten
- Upgrade (Experemental (28 upgrades)) (every upgrade gives x2 to CpS)
- Auto-save Every 10 minutes
- Added OnScreen Buttons
- Added Settings menu with one option(Reset save)
- Added Cookie shower
- Added Milk (just animation)
- Added Shadows behind buttons
- Little Optimization
- Changed livearea bg and startup images
- Minor fixes
- New savefile for upgrades (ux0:/data/ccupsave.sav)
- Fixed >10 000 cps Error


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158.2 MB

07/03/19 - 02:20 pm

Zombiebound Reloaded


3D FPS zombie survival game for the PS Vita.


Zombiebound Reloaded v00.21 by VitaHEX Games

Zombiebound is a 3D FPS zombie survival game for the PS Vita, It plays very similar to your favourite CoD Zombies games.
This first version of the game will also have 4 weapons. Like the first game your character will be able to hold up to two weapons. His main weapon is always a pistol with infinite ammo, while the secondary weapon can be purchased from the various points of each level (they will appear as a graffiti on walls).
Hi-score is saved for each level locally and you can view it from the main menu. You can also adjust aiming sensitivity to your liking.
The first alpha version of the game will include two levels.

The Farmhouse
Is a small level perfect for close combat against the hordes of zombies. If you feel trapped you can unlock the door to get access to the outside yard.

The Abandoned Store
Is a medium sized level with more room to run and protect yourself. You can also unlock the main entrance to go outside where you can find a better weapon to purchase.

Changelog 0.21
- Fixed shotgun aim position

Changelog 0.20
- You can now buy and unlock new weapons and levels from the in-game Store using gold bars
- Added the Lucky Crate in all the levels
- Added 4 New Weapons
- Added a brand new level (The Hospital)
- Added zombie sounds!
- You will no longer receive damage from dead zombies
- Added Controls explanation in Options menu
- Improved fog system and lighting
- Major bug fixes and performance improvements


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97.6 MB

06/03/19 - 08:20 pm

The Hallway


P.T. recreation for PSVITA.


The Hallway v00.20 by VitaHEX Games

This game is a recreation of my all time favorite PT demo. In the PS Vita version I call it "The Hallway" (for obvious reasons). It's a complete recreation of the original with handmade 3d models and environments I created as close as possible to original.

All the lighting, fog effects and the atmosphere is highly optimized for the PS Vita.

In this short demo you will be able to experience the horror in "loops" again and again but with some new small surprises. The game features high quality 3D sound so I highly recommend playing the game with headphones!

Changelog 0.20
- Added more loops with many new *surprises*
- The bathroom door may now open
- Added some "important" characters
- Improved performance
- Added Pause Menu (Start button)
- Added options to invert the camera controls
- Polished some of the previous loops
- Added the creaking sound for the chandelier
- Lighting optimizations
- Fixed the door transition animation
- Added ambience music for certain loops
- Improved controls
- Major bug fixes and improvements

Want to see more homebrew games like this? Support my work by becoming a Patron:

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The Wiki Homebrew project, was born as a way to have a collection of all the homebrews of a specific scene, since the time of the PSP scene, it was tried to do through ONEinstaller, even though the project was ambiguous worked perfectly to have a collection of all the homebrews, even though it was finally removed a year later due to several problems with the database,

Now comes back with the idea again to collect as much as possible in a single site, PSVita homebrews, but focusing on adding possible descriptions and changelogs, in addition to own captures and other details, does not try to compete with other existing bases but distinguished by being different.

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