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02/09/19 - 06:51 pm

Vita Account Manager


Account Manager for PSVITA.

Vita Account Manager (c) 2019 by *windsurfer1122*
Switch between multiple PSN/SEN accounts on a PS Vita or PS TV.
- Handle execution history.
- Dump console IDs.
- Save and restore WLAN settings.

- Save the current account for later restore.
- Restore a saved account or remove the current account.
- Removes trophies of current account to reduce ban risk on an accidental trophy sync.
- Unlink memory card from current account.
- Delete execution history of current account to discard Homebrew title IDs in it.
A reboot is still needed to clear execution history in memory.
- Remove obligatory *save data* of Vita Account Manager to avoid trophy message after account switch.
- Delete execution history of current account to discard Homebrew title IDs in it before logging into PSN.
A reboot is still needed to clear execution history in memory.
- Write-protect execution history files by replacing files with not overwritable directories.
A reboot is still needed to clear execution history in memory.
- Save the IDPS and PSID of the console.
- Save WLAN settings and restore them.
- Uses an extandable coding framework for easy enhancements and/or extensions. Go fork and send pull requests and/or patches.

Credits for Ideas and Features
- ONElua Team for *AccountManager*
- SiliciaAndPina for *Advanced-Account-Switcher* and *SimpleAccountSwitcher*
- Chihiro/KanadeEngel for *History Deleter*
- Orion for *Vita Toolbox*
- NamelessGhoul0 for *History Wipe Plugin*
- TheFlow for *VitaShell*
- devnoname120 for *RegistryEditor MOD*


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The Wiki Homebrew project, was born as a way to have a collection of all the homebrews of a specific scene, since the time of the PSP scene, it was tried to do through ONEinstaller, even though the project was ambiguous worked perfectly to have a collection of all the homebrews, even though it was finally removed a year later due to several problems with the database,

Now comes back with the idea again to collect as much as possible in a single site, PSVita homebrews, but focusing on adding possible descriptions and changelogs, in addition to own captures and other details, does not try to compete with other existing bases but distinguished by being different.

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