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24/12/24 - 11:33 pm

AutoPlugin II


Install/Uninstall plugins with one click


AutoPlugin II v2.13 by theheroGAC & ONELua Team

Autoplugin for PSVITA
This tool allows you to install/uninstall the following plugins with one click

# Optional settings
- Update plugins Online
- Update Languages Online
- Now you can check yhe readme file online for most of the included plugins
- Download/Install ITLS-Enso and Battery fixer (vpk)
- Set a Custom Image (Custom Boot Splash is required)
- Set a Custom Warning Message (Custom Warning is required)
- Set Level Transparent (Transparent Impose is required)

# Small note for Splash image
To load a custom image at boot, the image must be in png format sized to 960X544 named splash.png and it must be placed in the path ux0:CustomBootsplash/splash.png
You no longer need to add the line:
"- load ur0: tai / custom_boot_splash.skprx"
# Small note for the translation of the languages using non-standard characters
Download the **font.pgf** file(here https://github.com/ONElua/Autoplugin2/blob/master/font/font.pgf ) and insert it in the path **ux0:data/Autoplugin2/font** (Remember if the font folder does not exist you have to create it)
This fixes missing non-standard characters, not found at english charset. Those will show as "_" instead of the unusual letter.

Changelog 2.13
- FIX LittleBigPlanet cartridge detection.

Changelog 2.12
++ Update Allefresher to v1.0.1 (custom servers for lbp)

Changelog 2.11
++ Added Miscellaneous plugins section, available High-Def enhancer, DLC enabler & LBP server access plugins.

Changelog 2.10
++ Fixed error when you do not have the games installed: Persona 4 Golden, Catherine and Alien Shooter

Changelog 2.09
++ Fix Vitacheat plugins for 3.65/3.60
++ Added Iostaging, vitapad and alienhook plugins
++ Section HD patches and DLC Unlocker: Here you will find the HD plugins for persona 4 golden and catherine. Also the Alien Shooter DLC Unlocker plugin.
++ Section Customize plugins: Here you can customize some plugins that you have installed: Autoboot, Custom Warning, Custom Boot Splash, Quickmenu Plus, Trimpose

Changelog 2.08
++ Re-Added plugins updates for autoplugin II v2.00+.
++ Fix plugins updates with the Catherine: Full Body HD, Persona 4 Golden HD and Vita Nearest Neighbour.

Changelog 2.07
++ Fixed error when installing the Quicklauncher plugin

Changelog 2.06
- Added pspdoc plugin by qwikrazor87
- Removed MikuAR v1.0 plugin by Avellea

Changelog 2.05
- Fixed bug with online download of plugins for psp
- Added tvikey by Isagi
- Added adrenaline_usb_enabler by Isagi
- Added NoPspEmuDrm by LiEnby
- Added psp_gta_trophies by Freakler

Changelog 2.04
- Re-Added Vita Nearest Neighbour plugin by MuxaJlbl4
- Added MikuAR v1.0 plugin by Avellea
- Updated Vixen v1.4 plugin by isage

Changelog 2.03
- Added support for QuickmenuReborn addons
- Added Dolcewifi plugin (PSVita TV)
- Updated QuickLauncher plugin
- Updated VolLightbarCtrlWithDS4 plugin

Changelog 2.02
++ Added npdrm free mod and nploader mod (psp plugins)
++ Updated vixen and psp2wpp plugins

Changelog 2.01
- Goodbye snow (only at late december)

Changelog 2.00
- Now the installed plugins will display their installed version, for older plugin versions will be displayed as unknown.
- Automatic plugins updates will happen only if the newest Autoplugin2 version is installed.
- Sharkf00 replaced by ShaRKBR33D.
- Added ONEMenu for psvita in the download section.

Changelog 1.29
- Fixed error when updating languages.
- Added korean language support.

Changelog 1.28
- Multiselection for bundle plugin installation has been disabled.
- When installing a plugin, the corresponding readme file will be shown if it has one at github.
- Autoplugin2 will download plugin updates (if nedeed) when the app is started.
- Download section works again.

Changelog 1.27
- Added PSVshellPlus v1.2 by GrapheneCt
- Fixed Revita v1.08 by MERLev

Changelog 1.26
- Added QuickLauncher v1.3 (QuickMenuReborn) by Ibrahim778
- Added CapUnlocker v1.4 by GrapheneCt
- Added PasteUnlock v1.0 by GrapheneCt
- Added Repatch reLoaded v1.2 Hotfix by SonicMastr
- Updated VitaBright v2.0 by devnoname120

Changelog 1.25
- Delete ds5vita.skprx
- Another useless system update

Changelog 1.24
- Added option "Downloads"
- Added ReSavedata plugin by Princess of Sleeping v1.0
- Added option to install Yamt vpk (Downloads option)
- Removed Lolicon plugin

Changelog 1.23
- Added option to configure Vita Nearest Neighbour plugin by gameid or in section ALL
- Updated Music Premium plugin to v1.06
- Turbopad plugin got replaced by Turbopad mod by yoti
- Updated Ref00d plugin to v1.1
- Added Fruitpeel plugin
- Warning message on how to boot the psvita disabling all plugins just in case
- Added option to download tsv files for pkgj

Changelog 1.22
- Added option to install sharkF00d.
- Added Kubridge plugin for TheOfficialFloW
- Fixed bug that will close the app after changing mount points for sd2vita and pressing triangle.

Changelog 1.21
- Fixed error when downloading plugins and languages updates

Changelog 1.20
- Added option in Extras section: Install Vitashell
- Some plugins corrections thanks to Yoti

Changelog 1.19
- [Fix] Only some inner corrections
- Support for http.download (without ITLs enso)

Changelog 1.18
- Update VitaBright v1.1 and vitabright-lut-editor-1.1.vpk
- [Fix] Plugins duplicates in Plugins Manager (PSP)

Changelog 1.17
- Added support to show pics of selected plugin function (will be uploaded eventually)
- Update DoubleTap2Sleep by Joel v1.1
- Added reVita plugin for MERLEV v1.07
- Added ds34vita plugin for MERLEV v1.0.1

Changelog 1.16
- Added new option at Extras for Autoboot plugin
- Added support to show pics of selected plugin function (will be uploaded eventually)
- Added HonRipper by GrapheneCt v1.0
- Added DoubleTap2Sleep by Joel v1.0

Changelog 1.15
- Add FdFix by TheOfficialFloW v1.0 (Required for GTA3)
- Add PVF Font as option to change font
- Fix Sharpscale Config Crash (so hope)

Changelog 1.14
- Added Catherine Full Body HD 1280x720 (Vita Plugins).

Changelog 1.13
- If you don't want to have background music, delete bg.mp3 file from ux0: data/autoplugin2/bg
- Background music controls: Right analog up/down for volume up/down and left/right for stop/play
- Update ds4touch by MERLev v1.1.3
- Update GE Patch plugin by TheOfficialFloW v0.2

Changelog 1.12
- Add Background Music (put your bg.mp3 in ux0:data/Autoplugin2/bg/bg.mp3)
- Add VolLightbarCtrlWithDS4 by CallmeBK v1.1
- Add LCD Colour Space Changer by cuevavirus 1.1.0
- Update ds4touch by MERLev v1.1.2
- Update TrophyShot v1.1.1 by FMudanyali
- Update GE Patch plugin by TheOfficialFloW v0.19

# Small note for bg.mp3
Size must be less than 20MB

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4.5 MB

24/12/24 - 11:18 pm

Onemenu for Psvita


Simple to use UI which separates games and apps into categories.


Onemenu for Psvita v3.21 by ONElua Team

OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories.
Onemenu comes with a built in file explorer which has many advanced features such as installing/uninstalling apps/games, move the selected app/game todiferent partition (ux0-ur0-uma0) connect via ftp or usb to the pc, restart, shutdown, rebuild db.

Changelog 3.21
- Add Stars (Christmas).
- [FIX] GameCard detection
- Bug fixes and some improvisations.

Changelog 3.20
- Add PSP and PS1 games detection on Reload Content.

Changelog 3.19
- [FIX] icons for psm games

- Extraction 7z and rar5 files

Changelog 3.18
- Added 3.74 support

- Added support for installing custom themes in imc0

Changelog 3.17
- Move Adrenaline to Homebrews category instead of Adrenaline Bubbles category

- Launch video player with the Cancel button onthe Games/Apps section

- On screen volume controls added and touch enabled

Changelog 3.16
- Fixed bug to Refresh Content for severa PSM games. Thanks to KuromeSan
- Add Un pack Resources from EBOOT. PBP/Iso (icon0.png, pic1.png, pic0.png, param.sfo)

Changelog 3.15
- Added support for firmware 3.73.
- Added Refresh Content for PSM games. Thanks to Kuromesan
- New option to create .zip.

Changelog 3.14
- Added support for firmware 3.71/3.72.
- Added a simple video player (Only plays compatible videos with the PSVita).
- In the game screen (Bubbles) you have to press the square button to access to system aplications.
- Now, to access to the system options of ONEMenu you have to press the start buttom.
- New option "Delete empty directories on multimedia directories" in the system options of ONEMenu.
- Bug fixes and improvements in the code.

Changelog 3.13
- Added support for firmware 3.69/3.70.
- Now when uninstalling PSVita games you can also eliminate corresponding folders from Repatch and Readdcont of following partitions: ux0.uma0.imc0,xmc0.
- Added partitions uma0,imc0 y xmc0 to Clean RePAtch folders option.
- Added support to install CustomThemes in ur0 and uma0.

Changelog 3.12
- Fix accept/cancel in some dialogues.

Changelog 3.11
- Added option to eliminate unwanted rePatch/reAddcont folders/files left by uninstalled games.

Changelog 3.10
- Fix DLCs & Updates with Reload Content (Nonpdrm).


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4.6 MB

07/07/24 - 07:33 pm

Anime Downloader


Descargar Animes en PSVITA


Anime Downloader v2.06 by Gdljjrod & RG

AnimeDownloader es una aplicación para la psvita con una interfaz gráfica simple para poder descargar y visualizar tu anime favorito.

La aplicación esta basada en anime subtitulado al español, consiste en conectarse a las páginas de anime y permitir descargar o visualizar los capítulos en la vita, para lograr esto, se debe mencionar que solo funcionará con videos en formato 720p y que son compatibles con la limitaciones de la consola psvita.

Puedes colocar un mp3 de fondo, el mp3 no debe pasar los 20mb, debes colocarlo en la ruta:

# Características:
- Las descargas son en segundo plano y al terminar la descarga, los videos automáticamente se instalan a la aplicación videos. Por desgracia las descargas vía wifi en la psvita como ya sabemos son más lentas.
- AnimeDownloader también puede reproducir estos videos.
- Puedes marcar en la lista de capítulos, los capítulos como vistos, así al regresar al listado puedes saber en que capitulo continuar.
- Algunos capítulos se podrán visualizar de forma online, sin tener que descargar, solo funciona con los capítulos que son subidos en el servidor zippyshare. Se recomienda cuando empiece el capitulo pausar unos segundos y después reanudar el capítulo.
- Los capítulos subidos por mediafire solo se podrán descargar.
- Lamentablemente los capítulos subidos a MEGA no son soportados.

## Nota importante:
Los capítulos subidos a las páginas pueden ser o no reproducidos en la vita, esto depende totalmente de cada página de animes, de ahí que solo se cuenta con algunas páginas en la aplicación.

# Creditos:
- *([Difranx](https://youtube.com/@Difranx?feature=shares)).* Por el video para la comunidad GAMERS Latinoamerica

Agradecimiento especial a Yairo por hacer el diseño de la burbuja bg0.png
- *([Yairo](https://twitter.com/geckos_lover)).* Twitter
- *([GeckosLover](https://www.facebook.com/GeckosLover0?mibextid=ZbWKwL)).* Facebook

### Debo mencionar que Yairo hace trabajos de diseño por si gustan contactarlo.

# Testers:
- *([Akira fudo](https://twitter.com/akirafu57737345)).* Twitter.
- Edu Bellic de la comunidad GAMERS Latinoamerica y por apoyarme a rediseñar el bg0.png
- Angel Classic de la comunidad GAMERS Latinoamerica.
- Luck Mustang de la comunidad GAMERS Latinoamerica.

Changelog 2.06
- Actualización del dominio animeyt.es por animeyt.pro

Changelog 2.05
- Solucionado error con la Actualización de Animes por Temporada en AnimeYT
- Se quita animeflv.

Changelog 2.04
- [HotFix] Solucionado error con la descarga de base de datos por Temporada en AnimeYT

Changelog 2.03
- Solucionado error con la detección de nueva temporadas para animeYT
- Actualización de base de datos (cache) para todas las paginas.

Changelog 2.02
- Ahora la actualización de base de datos para animeYT y AnimeFLV se subirán cada sabado, tenerlo en cuenta cuando realicen actualización de base de datos para estas 2 paginas.
- Se corregido crasheo al actualizar base de datos para AnimeFLV
- Nuevo fondo para la burbuja en el LiveArea, gracias a Diego Funao

Changelog 2.01
- Solucionado error al actualizar y descargar de la página AnimeYT

Changelog 2.00
- Solucionado error al actualizar la base de datos para Jkanime y AnimeFLV
- Ahora Jkanime puede tener descargas en 2do plano en animes recientes
- Animekb vuelve a tener descargas en 2do plano con el server MF
- Posiblemente se retire AnimeFLV de la aplicación

Changelog 1.09
- El servidor Zippyshare cerró, así que proximo update checar si se quitán webs de animes
- Solución error al actualizar temporadas en animeYT (ya debe funcionar primavera 2023)

Changelog 1.08
- Reporta cualquier error en PSVITA Gamer Latinoamerica
- Solucionado error con el server zippy

Changelog 1.07
- Solucionado error con la conexión animeflv (puede requerir itls-enso)
- En animeyt se pueden descargar videos a 1080p, solo se pueden reproducir con la aplicación oficial videos nativa.

Changelog 1.06
- Actualización de Base de Datos
- Prueba experimental: Portada (Lista de animes en portada para la página AnimeYT)

Changelog 1.05
- [HOTFIX] Solucionado error con la ruta de los covers para hanime y tioanime

Changelog 1.04
- Sección de Favoritos separados por página (con izquierda/derecha para desplazarse entre ellas)
- Agregado Tioanime solo para búsqueda de animes viejos (vieja escuela)
- Solucionado error que la página 18+ no pide contraseña en la lista de Favoritos.

Changelog 1.03
- Cambios estéticos y mejoras internas en el código
- Agregada descripción para las páginas de Animes

Changelog 1.02
- Agregado nuevamente AnimeJK
- Solucionado error con la actualización de cache en FLV

Changelog 1.01
- Agregado clave para entrar a contenido 18+
- Solucionado error con links caídos de zippyshare, ahora se muestran como Link Caído
- Agregado tamaño de la descarga en servidores mediafire
- Agregado información para los animes en YT, que aún están en estado Próximamente

Changelog 1.00
-- Release oficial

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3.7 MB

15/09/23 - 04:13 am

Trophy Manager


This app allows you to preview the trophies and their status for each game and delete trophies as desired.


Trophy Manager v1.03 by ONElua Team

- This Homebrew could help you delete the game trophies you won't like to synch.

- Everytime a trophy Is deleted, the trophy app/bubble must be launched to update the trophy db, we highly recomend you to disable the wifi in the PS Vita before launching the trophy app/bubble for this matter.

Changelog 1.03
Support for trophies in homebrews and ports.

Changelog 1.02
- Support for custom font in ux0:data/ONETROPHY/font/font.pgf.

Changelog 1.01
- Now you can open the Trophies application.

Changelog 1.00
-Initial Version.

Trophy Manager does recognize the accept/cancel buttons according to console region.
- Main Screen
- Square: Multi Selection.
- Start: Delete selected trophies.
- Select: Sort List: Title, Progress.
- Trophy Screen
- Square: To preview details for a hidden trophy.
- Select: Sort List: Trophyid, Unlocked, Hidden.

This app Is based from Trophax app, but Trophy Manager does not unlock trophies.

- Silica for his Trophax app
- Graphics By WZ-JK.


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3.3 MB

23/08/23 - 03:46 am

MF Downloader


Descarga archivos de MF en la Psvita


MF Downloader v1.00 by Gdljjrod

MediaF Downloader es una aplicación para la psvita que permite descargar contenido dek servidor mediafire.

# Características:
- Las descargas de video y fotos son en segundo plano
- Las descargas de otro tipo de archivos son descargas internas.

# Creditos:
- *([Marcos Danyel López]).* Por ser tester para la comunidad GAMERS Latinoamerica

Changelog 1.00
- Version inicial.

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9.3 MB

23/07/23 - 07:26 pm

Adrenaline Bubbles Manager


Create/ organize direct adrenaline bubbles.


Adrenaline Bubbles Manager v6.20 by ONElua Team

This useful application allows you to make personalized bubbles with 'icon' and 'title' of your PSP content (HBS/PSX/ISO/CSO) quick and easy, using the 'LMAN' plugin, forgetting completely of the tedious and long manual method.

Changelog 6.20
- Correct support for adrenaline bubbles with boot.bin

Changelog 6.19
- Added option to download availabe languages.

- Lastest ABM version is needed to be able to download newset resources for the repo Vita bubbles

Changelog 6.18
- Added support for the new json format for downloading custom bubbles (preview.png)

- Now the previews are downloaded one by one. (The first time will be a bit slow)

Changelog 6.17
- Fixed bug that prevented the OSK from opening caused by CR (carriage return) on name input
- Option to create bubbles using gameid of installed legit content has been disabled

Changelog 6.16
- HotFix no Games found

Changelog 6.15
- Fixed glitch on boot.png images
- When creating new bubbles the template style can be changed: PSPEMU, PS1EMU, PSMOBILE, A5
- Option Restore Adrenaline v7 added to Extra settings
- Added the ability to change the bubble's title for ABM previously created bubbles

Changelog 6.14
- Fix http.download for Online Resources

Changelog 6.13
- Adrenaline Bubble Booter v1.3 Compatibility By LMAN 'leecherman'
- Adrenaline v7.0 Compatibility By LMAN 'leecherman'

Changelog 6.12
- Adrenaline Bubble Booter v1.2 Compatibility By LMAN 'leecherman'

Changelog 6.11
- Fixed bug when changing psp content path (bubble edit).
- Fixed callback getfile.

Changelog 6.10
- In the option Online Resources, you can see the list of the Resources availables separated by Authors or Creators. (You can move around the authors with the left/right key).
- Added the option to take the titleID of the PSP/PSX game to create the Shortcut. To apply this change, go to Extra Settings menu (press START in the iso/cso/pbp list), put the option BubbleID in TitleID.

Changelog 6.00
- Added option to inject only the game's Manual.

Changelog 5.30
- Fixed error when creating multi-bubbles, now each bubble gets its own name.

Changelog 5.27
- Added an option to use the filename ("example".iso) to rename bubbles made with ABM.
- Added compatibility with Adrenaline Bubble Booter v1.1

Changelog 5.26
- Fix typo in spanish.txt.

Changelog 5.25
- Added option Lmans new customizable options such as:
- Suspend game: Stop the game running on the psp when PS button is pressed.
- Enable/Disable Plugins: very self explainatory.
- NonpDRM Engine: Load content using Quickrazor's plugin.
- High Memory: Force high memory layout. (Disabled for GTA Native Resolution Patch)
- Change game cpu clock speed: Improves loading speed and game response depending of chosen speed.
- Allows to load selected language at start: English or Custom, loads chosen language if set as default.

Changelog 5.24
- Added compatibility with adrenaline 6.9 thanks to LMAN.

- For Adrbubblebooter changelog visit its website [AdrBooterv1.0](https://sites.google.com/site/theleecherman/adrbubblebooter/vpkedition)

Changelog 5.23
- Now Manual folder is detected at resources injection option.
- Download Manual option added to online resources injection.
- Vitabubbles repo updated with lots of new resources.

Changelog 5.22
- Fixed template.xml and framesXX.png when injecting images.

- Added option to inject game Manual to bubbles.

Changelog 5.21
- Added Bubble fix option to START menu for fixing bubbles asking to install adrbblbooter on every boot.
- Fix menucolor.bin.
- Added FullBubble-Non Streched in inject resources.

Changelog 5.20
- Added PS button option to Extra Settings menu.
- Added PS button option to Edit Bubble Settings menu.
- Added description for the options in Edit Bubble menu.
- Now you can set an image as boot.png again and inject the desired image, should be 480*272.

Changelog 5.19
- Added compatibility with adrenaline 6.8 thanks to LMAN.
- For Adrbubblebooter changelog visit its website [AdrBooterv0.9](https://sites.google.com/site/theleecherman/adrbubblebooter/vpkedition)


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430.6 KB

27/10/21 - 12:39 am

Homebrew Browser


A homebrew browser that's actually good.


Homebrew Browser v00.51B by Ibrahim778

Better Homebrew Browser
The homebrew browser that's actually good. Massive thanks to [GrapheneCt](https://github.com/GrapheneCt) on his work on ScePaf.

- 1. It is the second ever app to use Sony's PlayStation Application Framework (PAF)
- 2. It is blazing fast
- 3. It is multithreaded, so you won’t get stopped by a single screenshot
- 4. It doesn't take 10 minutes to load *(cough)*
- 5. It has background downloading
- 6. It can download from both CBPS-DB and VitaDB
- 7. It looks, sounds and feels almost exactly like the official PlayStation Store App
- 8. It can be opened alongside other apps
- 9. It has tunes (Yes, I've ran out of things now)

Changelog V0.51B
- Fixed some minor annoyances.
- Added version info in credit's
- Reverted changes made to list.

- 1. Background downloads will be terminated without warning when you open an enlarged memory mode game. There is no way to avoid this, but it's not a problem in most cases.

- This *is* an open beta. So don't be suprised if it crashes. Bug reports are greatly appreciated.

- 1. Thanks to [GrapheneCt](https://github.com/GrapheneCt) for ScePaf reversing and EMPVA (Reference) and his CXML Compiler (Not Released)
- 2. Thanks to [SomeonPC](https://github.com/SomeonPC) for Livearea™ assets and beta testing
- 3. Thanks to SparklingPheonix for beta testing.

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3.5 MB

13/04/21 - 12:47 am



This is a app/game launcher application


Launcher v2.91 by cy33hc

The main purpose of this app is for users who have hundreds of games on their vita.

The psvita has limitation of 500 bubbles only. I couldn't find an app that served me well to manage my library of games so I decided to create my own.

Use in conjuction with the CopyIcons app to get icons not created by psvita. https://github.com/cy33hc/copyicons

## Features

1. Games are groups into multiple categories (vita/psp/homebrew/favorites) including retro consoles like nes,snes,gb,gbc,gba,n64 etc..
2. Can launch all vita games, Adernaline bubbles and (retro games without bubbles).
3. Has parental control for hiding certain settings.
4. Customize categories via configuration file.
3. Favorites. With hundreds of games, it's takes a quite a while to browse all the pages to find your favorite game. Therefore I've implemented a feature to add a game to you favorites for easy access.
4. Game images loaded on demand. With hundreds of games, we can't possibly load all the game images into memory. So images are loaded on demand only and a few pages of images are cached.
5. Last but not least, you can access you full library of games/apps. Just an FYI, I could load 1600 games/apps on my vita-tv.

## Controls

- up/down/left/right - for browsing your games
- left analog stick - for browsing your games
- square - add the selected game to favorites
- circle - un-select or back.
- triangle - display settings to switch between Grid/List view.
- cross - start the selected game/app
- L-trigger - previous page
- R-trigger - next page

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207.1 KB

05/03/21 - 02:46 am



ShaRKF00D is an all in one extractor, decrypter, and installer for SceShaccCg


ShaRKF00D v1.30 by OsirizX

# ShaRKF00D
ShaRKF00D is an all in one extractor, decrypter, and installer for SceShaccCg module which complements Rinnegatamante's vitaShaRK


This project makes use of many already existing tools and is just put together to make it easier to obtain the SceShaccCg module.

# changelog
remove the intermediate files upon exiting

# Install Instructions
First you will need to install PSM Runtime **with 2.01 patch update**.
You will need to make sure you have 2.01 patch version as this installer is not compatible with just PSM Runtime 1.0 installed.

Download and install ShaRKF00D.vpk using Vita Shell.
Run the app and wait for it to exit out. There is no user dialogue for now.

You should now have libshacccg.suprx module in ur0:/data/. You can check with VitaShell or ftp.
The decrypted elf version of the file will be under ux0:/ShaRKF00D/. You may delete this if you like.

A step by step guide by Samilop Cimmerian Iter can also be found in the link below.


# Build Instructions
chmod +x build.sh
mkdir build && cd build

# Credits

**TheFlow** for VitaShell.

**CelesteBlue/dots-tb** for FAGDec.

All of whom that were involved with the development of vita-make-fself.

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1.5 MB

17/01/21 - 10:25 pm



Tool for viewing various image formats.


VITAlbum v1.40 by joel16

A simple homebrew file browser that is used for viewing various image formats on the PlayStation VITA. This is a stripped down port of NX-Shell (Next) for Nintendo Switch. It only supports viewing images/gifs.

Supported Formats
- GIF (animated & non animated)

- Ability to resize images.
- Support opening files from other partitions.

- Rinnegatamante for [vitaGL](https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/vitaGL)
- Rinnegatamante for [imgui-vita](https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/imgui-vita)
- ocornut and contributors for [upstream imgui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui)
- stb_image contributors [stb_image](https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_image.h)
- dr-soft for [dr_pcx](https://github.com/dr-soft/dr_pcx)
- libwebp contributors for [libwebp](https://developers.google.com/speed/webp)
- libtiff contributors for [libtiff](http://www.libtiff.org/)
- libnsbmp contributors for [libnsbmp](https://www.netsurf-browser.org/projects/libnsbmp/)
- libnsgif contributors for [libnsgif](https://www.netsurf-browser.org/projects/libnsgif/)
- libpng contributors for [libpng](http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html)
- turbojpeg contributors for [turbojpeg](https://libjpeg-turbo.org/)
- nanosvg contributors for [nanosvg](https://github.com/memononen/nanosvg)
- TheIronUniverse for the LiveArea Assets
- [vitasdk](https://github.com/vitasdk)


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The Wiki Homebrew project, was born as a way to have a collection of all the homebrews of a specific scene, since the time of the PSP scene, it was tried to do through ONEinstaller, even though the project was ambiguous worked perfectly to have a collection of all the homebrews, even though it was finally removed a year later due to several problems with the database,

Now comes back with the idea again to collect as much as possible in a single site, PSVita homebrews, but focusing on adding possible descriptions and changelogs, in addition to own captures and other details, does not try to compete with other existing bases but distinguished by being different.

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